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Suggestie: Bruikbaarheid van arbeiden verhogen


Ik heb een suggestie gepost op het Engelse forum, aangezien er daar meer ruimte voor is. Omdat ik denk dat het toch een goed idee is er ook hier over te discussieren, post ik hem hier ook. Ik ga hem alleen niet in het Nederlands vertalen, gezien het formaat.

Het topic op het engelse forum kun je hier vinden: http://forum.the-west.net/showthread.php?t=11667

Ik ben benieuwd wat jullie denken, en support ervoor op het Engelse forum :).

Currently, most jobs in the game are completely useless. They pay too little, give too little experience, and as a result, no player uses them. Wasted effort on the developers' side because there is a massive amount of content in the game that isn't used.

Also, players always strive for the best paying job, and end up doing that as often as their motivation allows.

We currently have 2 mechanics in place that attempt to break monotomy:

- Motivation
- Quests

Motivation is there to make sure players don't continuously do the best job. They now have to switch between the best job and the 2nd best job. Slight improvement, but not enough by far.

Quests often demand items from jobs that you could already do a month ago. With this mechanic, the game attempts to get player to do jobs they normally don't do anymore. Also, this forces the players to focus on jobs based on product rather than pay/experience/luck. Excellent mechanic, but it is actually rather weak. That's because once you complete a quest, it's effect is gone for good. And with only 1 quest for every 3 levels plus some hidden ones, this will never accomplish the goal that they should have.

My suggestion will change this. We simply need a mechanic that forces us to do jobs different than the best one we can do. Something that once again makes us focus on products rather than income. That way, all jobs will remain usefull, and you will see a much better distribution of players through jobs.

The concept:

The merchant will have a demand, based on the size of the town. Small towns will often demand simpler goods and in smaller quantities. The player can choose to provide the merchant these goods in exchange for a healthy reward. If no one grants the merchant his goods, he will stop asking for them and change to a different type.

In Practice:

When you click the merchant, there is a demand-list. It will look something like a shopping-list. It will for instance show:

- 15 wooden boards
- 8 tomatoes
- 2 handcuffs
- 6 shovels

And so on. The list will have one addition for each level of the merchant per week (frequency subject to discussion). If the merchant level is 5, it will get 5 new requests each week. It will get a maximum of 2 requests per level. So, merchant level 5 will get requests up to 10, and then stop generating new ones until one is taken. There is a small area in the screen that will show if you have a quest taken, and what you need to get. You cannot accept more than 1 quest.

When you accept a request, it vanishes from the list, and you have 1 week to complete it. The merchant will have a new free slot for a request, and you have a new "quest" in your quest-log. Let's say we accepted the 15 wooden boards-quest. We now have a quest requiring us to get 15 wooden boards within a week. When we have them, we give them to the merchant to complete the request, and receive a reward.

If we fail to complete it, it will vanish, and leave a message that the merchant is no longer interested. No penalties as of yet.

The reward is at least the price you'd get when selling all the gathered items at the merchant. I am thinking about a bonus of 25% in dollars, plus a set amount of experience based on the difficulty and the chance of finding an item. The 15 boards could for instance easily supply you with 200 bonus xp, maybe more.

Another interesting addition would be that completing requests donates a small bit of the profit to the town treasury, as a bonus. This way, people will be really motivated to do those quest, and that will both be fun and helpfull for all the town communities.

The result:
This wil introduce a new dynamic game element that achieves the following things:

- Motivate players to do jobs they normally don't do.
- Generate a continouos motivation to check in at a town and take the challenge.
- Create an extra way for pure job-based players to generate some extra income and xp (duelers fight for their money and xp).
- Create an extra incentive to complete the merchant quickly
- Add a way of contributing a little extra to the town (when the town-element is also added)
- Create something to watch, rather than just monotonously do the same jobs over and over again, with the only exitement being the occasional find of some item.

I sincerely believe that this addition will make the west a more dynamic and interesting game. Values as mentioned are always open for discussion, as well as bonusses and the actual location of the "merchant". This could for instance also be done by the barkeeper.

What do you guys think? Please, be constructive.


Het zou een goede toevoeging zijn, echter heb ik wel een vraag. Stel in mijn stad zitten twee spelers met hetzelfde LVL, dus kunnen ze beiden dezelfde "quests" zien.

Beiden hebben dan de benodigde producten gevonden, wie krijgt dan de beloning van die quest? Degene die eerst klikt? Beiden? Of heb ik een stukje verkeerd begrepen?


Je moet hem zeg maar aannemen, waarna hij uit de lijst bij de handelaar verdwijnt. Je gaat dus pas producten verzamelen als je hem succesvol hebt aangenomen. De eerste die op "aannemen" klikt, heeft hem.

Wellicht is het genoemde aantal quests in een stad te weinig, maar daar kunnen we hier natuurlijk over discussiëren. :)


:eek:mooi voorstel
nu is het spel echt gebaseerd op enkele jobs en duels
wat saai word als je geen duelist bent
dan doe je 5tal werke van 2uur en dat is het :s
en alijd zelfde om de dag wissel je tussen 2 jobs :s
dat handelen zou handig zijn maar dan gewoon random per speler
zodat je afwisseling hebt
en meer een streef doel hebt


perfect idee, en goed uitgewerkt.
dit moet gewoon in het spel, het voegt iets toe en zoals uitgelegt de jobs worden meer gedaan ;)


Zeker mooi, goed idee, er hoeft alleen nog gedacht te worden of de beloningen en de quests.


een sterk argument.

moeten ze zeker eens over nadenken.

hopelijk komen ze met goed nieuws.


waar gaat dit in korte lijnen over?
mijn engels is niet zo goed en begrijp er niet zoveel van:mad:
mvg cassius